On the Subject of Benedict Cumberbatch
More like Bouncystick Crapplepatch...
- The module consists of two rolodex devices and a submit button.
- To disarm the module, calculate the correct suffix to go with the given prefix on the rolodex screen using the operators and the tables below.
- Submitting a wrong name will cause a strike.
- If the prefix on the left screen is Broccoli, Buffalo, Syphilis or Cadbury, ignore the below operators and use 0 as your index. Cycle the suffixes on the cards to determine which list you are using.
- Otherwise, starting at 0, use the operators below to calculate the index value. If at any point your answer becomes greater than 9, modulo 10.
For each of the following statements that are true, add 1:
- The bomb has a parallel port.
- The serial number contains a vowel.
- More than half of the modules on the bomb have been disarmed.
For each of the following statements that are true, add 2:
- The bomb has a serial port.
- The serial number does not contain a vowel.
- Half or fewer of the modules on the bomb have been disarmed.
For each of the following statements that are true, multiply by 2 and add n:
- The bomb has a lit FRK indicator (n=3).
- There are more digits than letters in the serial number (n=4).
- The last digit of the serial number is even (n=5).
For each of the following statements that are true, multiply by 3 and add n:
- The bomb has an unlit NSA indicator (n=6).
- There are more letters than digits in the serial number (n=7).
- The last digit of the serial number is odd (n=8).
- Compare your final index value with the table on page 3. The given suffix is the correct answer.